A project intended to support the drawing up and the publishing of reference works in the UPT fields of competence.
Established in 1920 through Royal Decree, on the eve of its 100-year anniversary, POLITEHNICA Timisoara- an advanced research and education university with “a high degree of trust”, is nowadays one of the Romanian schools of tradition, acknowledged nationally and internationally, both through the work of entire generations of teaching professionals and through the exceptional work of renowned academics.
Following the tradition, the mission of POLITEHNICA University of Timisoara is to meet the competence requirements of the society by ensuring the higher education training at university and postgraduate levels.
Carrying fundamental values, the mission also reflects the concern about the future of society by shaping its development directions at local, regional, national and international levels.
POLITEHNICA University of Timisoara is acknowledged as a remarkable factor on the scientific research stage, both at a national and an international level. The existence and operation of a high number of research centres, where expert teams operate and successfully apply the research strategy of the institution, brings the professional reputation to the university and, at the same time, supplies the funding source dedicated to development. The continuous update of the research results in scientific works, invention patents or products represents a guarantee for competence, seriousness and institutional professionalism [www.upt.ro].
Timisoara has been designated European Capital of Culture in 2021. The city’s application used the slogan “Shine your light - Light up your city!”. Everything that will happen in 2021, but also before and after this year, represents civic energy, “a change in mentality and, through this change at the level of the individual, a change at the level of the city” [www.tion.ro].
In this context, the POLITEHNICA University management launches a publishing project including reference monographs, with a technical, scientific and reverential nature, entitled “UPT Monographs”, works that will be issued under the umbrella of POLITEHNICA Publishing House.
Project description
The University will support the publishing of approximately 4 titles/year, an estimated total of 12 monographs.
The approached fields will be selected from the scientific research fields in which UPT has shown achievements with a national and international impact. Moreover, reverential works will also be promoted regarding the University and the cultural space of Timisoara.
The monographs will be written in English, with a minimum length of 250 pages.
The technical works will be written by a body of maximum 4 authors, coordinated by a scientific personality acknowledged through the number of publications with international impact, the number of quotations, prizes of prestigious scientific forums, members of prestigious professional organisations, etc.
The coordinator is a full tenure professor or consultant of UPT. The body of authors may include members from other universities, scientific research institutions and industrial units, from the country and abroad. The technical and scientific content will refer to contributions of the acknowledged authors, relating to the current status of the research results in the field of study.
The quoted references will comprise a number of the authors’ own titles, thus proving a long-term scientific activity and international acknowledgement. The university will financially support this program by:
- Remunerating each member of the body of authors (only those of UPT) with an amount equivalent to a net monthly salary upon the print-ready manuscript submission.
The consulting teaching professionals will be remunerated with an amount equivalent to the title of a teaching professional, according to seniority and ranking. - Supporting all expenses needed to write and publish the works.
The University management will promote the monographs in order to compete for the annual prizes of the Romanian Academy.
Proposal submission
The submission is on-going (with a deadline on 31 March 2020), the selection being carried out by the commission appointed for this purpose. The actual terms and conditions to write the selected works will be decided bythe coordinator of the body of authors, based on a written agreement.
Commission for project coordination and work selection
Chair: Prof. Eng. Viorel-Aurel ŞERBAN, Ph.D - RECTOR
Project scientific coordinator:
CS1 Ladislau VÉKÁS, Ph.D, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy
Prof. Eng. Liviu Ioan CĂDARIU-BRĂILOIU, Ph.D – Prorector
Prof. Eng. Marius OTEŞTEANU, Ph.D - Prorector
Prof. Eng. Sabin IONEL, Ph.D – Coordinator of Editorial Board of POLITEHNICA Publishing House
Prof. Eng. Nicolae MUNTEAN, Ph.D – Coordinating Manager of POLITEHNICA Publishing House
Commission Chair,
Prof. Eng. Viorel-Aurel ŞERBAN, Ph.D - RECTOR