Investigating the Discourse of Financial Reporting: Communicative Strategies and Translation Problems
Chiar dacă subiectul a fost deja studiat în ultimele decenii cu rezultate interesante din punct de vedere lingvistic, acest studiu își propune să adauge o contribuție pentru a evidenția importanța unor strategii comunicative, a problemelor de interpretare și traducere. Pentru a face acest lucru, această lucrare este împărțită în trei secțiuni principale, care reprezintă întrebările de cercetare care stau la baza acestei lucrări.
CHAPTER 1. The genre of company Annual Reports
- A general overview of financial reporting documents. Setting the scenario
- Theoretical background of the genre of Annual Reports
- The generic structure of Annual Reports
CHAPTER 2. Financial reporting. Background, content and principles
- The IASB
- IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards)
- Accounting principles
- Accruals basis
- Consistency
- Going concern basis
- The qualitative characteristics of financial reporting
- Relevance
- Faithful representation
- Completeness
- Substance over form
- True and fair view
- Free from error
- Prudence
- Neutrality
- The enhancing qualitative characteristics of accounting
- Verifiability
- Understandability
- Timeliness
- Comparability
CHAPTER 3. Linguistic theory and literature background
- ESP and specialized discourse
- Specialized discourse
- Features of specialized discourse
- Lexical characteristics
- Syntactic characteristics
- The notion of discourse
- Studies on discourse
- The hybrid nature of discourse
CHAPTER 4. Annual Reports as strategic communicative tools
- Linguistic strategies and communicative tools in Annual Reports
- The CEO Letters
- Communicative styles in the CEO letters
- Impression management
- Examples of impression management strategies
- Examples of communicative strategies in Annual Reports
- Knowledge and country-specific knowledge
- Promotional discourse
- De-specialization and community building
CHAPTER 5. Specialized translation of Financial Statements
- Theoretical perspectives of specialized translation
- The translation of Financial Statements: the background
- Studies on the translation of Financial Statements
- Issues in translating Financial Statements