Project Management Concepts in Construction Industry
Cartea este rezultatul cercetărilor interdisciplinare, abordând aspecte importante în ceea ce priveşte dezvoltarea şi implementarea managementului de proiect în industria construcţiilor. Se prezintă rezultatele cercetărilor comparative privind evoluţiile pieţelor de construcţii din Uniunea Europeană şi România, precum şi a nivelului de competenţe şi abilităţi ale resurselor umane implicate în activităţile de Management de proiect, precum şi modul în care acestea sunt implementate în activitatea unei companii.
- Introduction
- Motivation of the research
- The research objectives
- Structure of the research
- Abbreviation index
- Construction Project Management state of the art in Romania
- Introduction
- The construction companies and the construction market in Romania
- The construction companies - overview
- Statistics on the construction works market in Romania compared to the EU
- The universitary educational system for civil engineering
- Curriculum analysis for Bachelor’s programs in Romanian universities
- Curriculum analysis for Master programs in Romanian universities
- Legal procedures to contract public works in Romania
- The legislation for public procurement in Romania
- Regulations to prepare technical and economic documentation for public construction works
- Tender calculation for construction public works
- Public works contracts
- Contracting procedures for private works in Romania
- The tender process
- Contract negotiation
- The execution stage
- Conclusions
- Advanced project management for construction
- Definition of the terms
- Definitions of project
- Definitions of Management and Project Management
- The business processes and the construction company functions
- Project organization
- External projects
- Internal projects
- Organizational structure for construction companies
- Construction project stages
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Construction Scheduling
- Steps of sequential planning and time scheduling
- The Production process planning
- Monitoring of Costs
- Structures
- Methods of monitoring costs during the execution of a project
- Performance/Output processes and guidance processes
- Process theory
- Differentiation of performance and guidance processes
- Project Guidance processes
- Project and stakeholders
- Findings about project management for construction
- Case studies on the implementation of the project management concepts
- Case Study 1: Scheduling and monitoring the construction of a commercial center
- Project description
- Organisation of the project
- Activities and the responsibilities performed in the project
- Informational management proposals for project
- The preparation of construction works scheduling
- Contract negotiation for the completion time and works schedules
- Tracking and reporting of construction works
- Conclusions
- Case Study 2: Reorganization and implementation of the project management concept in a construction company
- Company reorganization in order to increse the project management performance
- Organisational analysis
- Organisational change proposal for improving the management of projects
- The implementation of the new working procedures in the new organizational structure
- The results obtained by the new organizational structure
- An example of implementating the project management concept in the company
- Conclusions of the case studies
- Study on the project management processes in Romanian and German construction companies
- Motivation and goal
- Research methodology
- Questionnaire design and online implementation
- Questionnaire design
- On line implementation
- Results of the research study
- Results of the interviews
- The result of the surveys
- General data about the participants
- Analysis of the organizational structure
- Project manager and Projects in companies
- Tendering processes in the company
- Project Control Processes
- Controlling department
- Education and vocational training within the company
- Conclusions
- Proposals for the development and implementation of advanced project management concepts
- Legal framework for tenders and construction works contracts
- Technical and economic documentation for construction works
- General conditions for works contracts
- Higher education and vocational training
- Advanced project management for construction companies
- Conclusions
- Research conclusions and perspectives
- Research conclusions
- Contributions
- Perspectives
- Appendix A – ANRMAP Contract model for the execution of works
- Appendix B – VOB Part B: General conditions of contract for the execution of works
- Appendix C – Questionnaire - English version
- Appendix D – Statistics of the survey applied in Romania
- Appendix E – Statistics of the survey applied in Germany
- Appendix F – Proof of interview at Wilhelm Geiger GmbH&Co.
- Appendix G – Proof of interview at Krämmel SF-Bau GmbH