În atenția cumpărătorilor : nu se onorează comenzi în perioada de 29 iulie - 2 septembrie

MASTERCOM – Politehnica Graduate Student Journal of Communication 1/2019

Volumul cuprinde articole ale studenţilor din cadrul Facultăţii de Ştiinţe ale Comunicării şi se adresează tuturor categoriilor de cititori interesaţi de acest domeniu.


Anul apariției
Muguraş Mocofan, Mugurel Gabriel Dragomir, Lavinia Suciu
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Preţ de bază cu taxă
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Prețul de vânzare 25,00 lei



Preface Assoc. prof. Mariana Cernicova, Guest editor

Digital Storytelling. The Impact of User-Generated Content in Social Media

Ana-Maria Popescu

The Analysis of Quality Standards of the Online Translations.  Case of the National Centers for Information and Tourist Promotion

Andreea-Cristina Badalea-Lică

Organizing the Content and Building the Relationship in Digital Communication

Ramona-Lenuța Crișan

Personal and Professional use of social media

Mihaela-Mădălina Boată

Insta-story for Personal Branding and Product Promotion

Anca Jurj

Instagram, A Tool to Keep the Artists’ Popularity in the Romanian Music Industry. Case Study: Smiley and Irina Rimes

Daniela Marin

Impact Methods for New Employees’ Integration

Victoria-Paraschiva Debucean

Generation Z – how can digital natives be influenced through online tools?

Iuliana Grazela Stroe

Digital Citizenship in Education

Corneliu Simidreanu

Visual Rebranding in the Cake

Flavia Mezzetti

Discursive strategies in communication of vulgarization of specialized information – communication of severe weather events

Vlad Mărăzan